as a process of
a Design process that addresses spirituality is a creative process that brings the attention back to the act of designing, and to creativity as an act of self-expression and self-discovery
anything we do changes us, so while we design the outer world, lets consciously contemplate the changes in our inner world
experiment with me
spirituality is closely associated with relationships, peace, joy, justice, and a unified sense of body and soul. These are all things we design for
spirituality is closely associated with relationships, peace, joy, justice, and a unified sense of body and soul. These are all things we design for
spirituality is not only part of every human being, but should be pursued by designers specifically, not only because as “creators” of new propositions we have a responsibility to what we create, but also because creativity itself is the very essence of spirituality

economic sustainability
environmental sustainability
social sustainability
SPIRITUAL sustainability

I organize semi-regular meetings where we experience and practice
a Design process where Spirituality is a key component.
join us and work independently and collaboratively on your own brief (Design brief or personal brief) to consciously observe your creative journey becoming a path to self-actualisation