As part of my ever-present interest in learning about people's vision on Food Design, creativity, the food industry, food sustainability, as well as collecting their own personal stories and definitions of this discipline, I started this project in 2021.
Every year I ask participants different questions about Food Design and their role in it, making this project a collection of unique stories and insights.
All features are published on Instagram and Linkedin, and a selection of the features is published in a yearly book.
Food Design Voices is an ongoing project; you can enter your nomination or nominate someone you wish to be featured.

We're working on VOL 3.
Want to be featured?
Here's what to submit:
ONE high-definition profile photo, preferably a 1/4 headshot.
FIVE high-definition photos of your work. Photos should be clearly named from 1 to 5.
An editable document (e.g. Word doc or Pages) containing the following points (please do not put the photos in this document but send them separately):
your Full Name as you'd like to see it published
your IG @handle/s and LinkedIn link
your job title or affiliation and country where you are based (e.g. food product designer at ... / chef at ...)
A caption that describes each photo, with a title and description. This can be one or two sentences to describe, as much as you want, the project in the picture. Please include the Photo Credits at the end of the caption as follows: “Photo Credits: Name Surname Year". Please include photo credits even if the photo is yours. Please clearly indicate to which photo each caption relates, for example: Photo 1: Title... Description... Photo Credits: John Smith 2024
Your answer to ALL these questions. Answers must be written in the first person. Answers should not be self-promotional (about your work or brand), but they should explain your perspective and point of view. Answers to each question should be a minimum of 150 words.
What is YOUR food revolution?
What is the future of Food Design? What should we do more of and less of?
In your practice, how do you respond to your social and environmental responsibility?
Describe the 3 projects from which you have learnt the most and why (these should not be your own projects). These can be speculative or not, present or past, and they can be projects, products, services, events, dishes, systemic interventions, philosophies, books, articles, talks, educational programs, companies, institutions, or details of any of these.
If this was a message in a bottle, what would you write to those who will read it in the future?
What is Food Design Today?
The IG @handle or Linkedin profile link of someone you nominate to be featured in this project
A short Biography, not longer than 200 words. Your biography must be written in the third person.
Your website and email address if you want them to be published.
A portion of this material will be published on the IG page @fooddesign_voices.
If your profile is selected, ALL of this material will be published in the next book, VOL 3, but please know that I might need to select your answers to comply with book layout constraints.
After I receive the above:
I’ll send you a summary of your content with notes on what to change/add/revise where necessary.
You’ll make the changes/revisions and from this point the content of your feature will not be changed.
The content will undergo proofreading.
Upon publication of the book you’ll receive a complimentary electronic copy of the book, either .pdf or .epub
Please know that the time for completion of the book may vary, depending on how far along we are with the collection of features for VOL 3.
Please send all of this with a Wetransfer link (no shared Google folder) using the button below.
Thank you and Looking forward to hearing from you!